Feeding lovebirds: Awesome Priced Advice, Caring, Tips
Feeding lovebirds. Lovebirds have their own ideal nutrition and it varies from one period to the other such as during molting, breeding, and resting periods.
Here is a great post about masked lovebirds.

An ideal seed mix for feeding lovebirds:
A very good friend of mine shared his seed mix with me and I use it ever since:
White miller 6 parts
Corn 1 part
Oats 1 part
Plain canary 2 parts
Jap millet 2 parts
Sunflower 1 part
Buckwheat 1 part
Rapeseed 0.5 part
Variety is the key to keeping lovebirds healthy and happy. Lovebirds need more than seeds to be healthy.
Some good choices are: Beat root, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, peppers, kale, peas, squash, and sweet potatoes (cooked)
Apples (remove seeds), apricots, bananas, all kinds of berries, cherries, figs, grapes, mangoes, melon, papayas, peaches, pineapples, and pomegranates.
Pellets will also expand the variety. There are many good pellets for lovebirds available at your pet shop.
Freshwater should be available all day. Lovebirds will bathe in the water and dunk food in it. This is normal behavior. Therefore the water should be kept as clean as possible.
It is advisable to rather use water dispensers that can be attached to the bars. In this way, water can be kept cleaner for longer. Supply a separate dish for bathing and remove it after a while. Hamster bottles can also be used and the water cannot become soiled. Check every day for possible blockage in the units.
Sprouted seeds and beans are among the best foods you can feed your birds. Separate articles about sprouting will be published in feature magazines.
Egg food:
Egg food provides extra nutrients during the breeding season. Ready-to-use egg food is available at pet shops. Pieces of fruit, such as apples, and grated carrots can be added.
Millet spray:
All birds adore millet still on the branch and is a good treat for a reward during training.
In conclusion:
Too many vitamins can damage your bird’s health. Vitamin A, D, E, and K, which are fat-soluble vitamins, are not excreted via the kidneys but are stored in the body fat. Therefore it is advisable to buy ready-to-use egg food and pellets as the manufacturers spent a lot of time perfecting their formulas as it is a very competitive field.
You can read this article, Feeding lovebirds, in the following edition:
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