Parrot webinar: What it is and advantages
What actually is a parrot webinar and how does an online seminar work?
What is a webinar and how does it work? Hildegard Niemann has been offering webinars on her website. Over the past four years, over 50 webinars have taken place, including on the topics of body language, plucking, bird food plants, enrichment, aviary building, and parrot training.
A brief introduction to the world of web seminars:
A “webinar” – what is it actually?
The term “webinar” is made up of the words “web” and “seminar” and thus already indicates the nature of the event: It is a seminar in which both the speaker and the participants can view the events conveniently on the screen at home. Such online conferences were initially of great importance in politics and business, but are now also becoming more and more popular in the hobby area, because they allow people to be brought into contact who live far apart and for a “real seminar” large ones Would have to drive routes.
What are the advantages of a parrot webinar?
The advantages of a webinar are obvious. The costs and the time required are low for everyone involved, the number of participants is basically unlimited, and in contrast to other online offers, the webinar is not limited to the simple download of data such as pictures or videos, but the participants can as in one Communicate “real” seminars as a group with each other and of course with the speaker.
What are the disadvantages of a parrot webinar?
The disadvantages of webinars are technical. For online training courses, a stable broadband internet connection is necessary, which is not yet widely available everywhere. While many laptops, tablets and smartphones today come with integrated webcams and video functions ex works, the usual desktop PCs have to be upgraded in this regard. Another requirement is a browser that is state-of-the-art than the regular updates.
How does a parrot webinar work?
The host of the webinar publishes the place, time and fees for attending this online event. After successful and confirmed registration, the participant will receive an individual access link by e-mail with which they can dial into the virtual lecture room (meeting) at the specified time. Logging in is done using software that has to be downloaded and installed beforehand. The organizer will inform them beforehand by email where the participant can find it on the Internet (if he does not already have it).
Can all participants see me on the screen?
Typical for a webinar is the moderation of the event by the speaker or another person who, as the “host” (= host, host) takes care of the smooth technical flow of the webinar. The participants follow the action without being seen by the other participants. Everyone can ask questions in writing in a special window, which the speaker or moderator can then answer live. If desired, individual or multiple participants can be shown visibly in the action. It is also technically possible to switch on the comment function. The participants who are added by the host are then visible and audible for all participants.
Will the speaker speak to me directly?
In principle, the speaker could sit in front of the webcam and give his lecture. In practice, however, he fades in a Power Point presentation that he comments live. Afterwards, in a question-and-answer session, a conference call can be arranged with the participants, but this only makes sense for smaller groups. The host and the panelists (i.e. the people who can actively join the action) are usually shown in small windows on the edge during the presentation of the PowerPoint slides.
How does the Parrot webinar end?
After the end of the webinar, the host asks the participants to leave the meeting and then closes the virtual room, which can no longer be selected by the participants after the deadline.
If you have any questions about the webinars, just give Hilla Niemann from Parrot Behavior Consulting (PBC)ma call: 02451-9018597

The webinar “Diagnostic tips for parrot and parakeet keepers ”on February 28, 2021 with Matthias Janeczek

Every parrot and parakeet keeper knows the feeling: the bird behaves strangely, breathes differently, and is a little quieter than usual. Sick? Tired? Old? How can a keeper know whether the situation is serious and what diseases could be behind the observed behavior? In his webinar, Matthias Janeczek explains to you what you as a keeper should pay attention to and how different clinical pictures can express themselves in parrots and parakeets.
As with all webinars, the fee for participation is 25 euros. If you have any questions about the technology, I am available to all owners by calling 02451-9018597 or by email:

Hildegard Niemann also has regular articles in the Standard as well as Premier magazines. To learn more about what you get for the Premier edition please follow this link: