Avian documents and downloads
Avian documents and downloads – content creator: Petrus A. van Tonder Apart from the Standard bird magazine that is available to download each month, the following documents are also available to download on our...
Bird Magazine
Avian documents and downloads – content creator: Petrus A. van Tonder Apart from the Standard bird magazine that is available to download each month, the following documents are also available to download on our...
Bird magazine subscription – Content creator: Petrus A. van Tonder Every avian enthusiast and bird-keeper wants to improve their knowledge to be more equipped with the skills that are required to be a confident...
Free parrot ebooks download Kris Porter gave us permission for you to download these two parrot enrichment activity books. Thank you very much, Kris, the parrots are going to love you. Free parrot ebooks...
101 Food Items For Birds eBook – author Petrus A. van Tonder Moderation and variety are the keys when feeding birds. The aim of this book is to make you aware of food items...
Keeping And Breeding Finches eBook – Author: Petrus A. van Tonder After keeping and breeding finches for more than 10 years, I thought it might be beneficial to share my knowledge with beginners and...
Bird eBook: Free Awesome Fantastic Information Another free eBook is available to Premier Magazine subscribers. Northern Exotics Information Charts – by Alex Avian Charts include: AmazonsCaiquesCockatoosLorikeetsLovebirdsMacawsMynas Example page: Convenient contents page for easy reference...
Every new Premier bird magazine subscriber gets free bird eBooks. We have three eBooks that every new subscriber receive: Free bird eBook No 1 – Caring and Breeding of Parrots by Tony Silva It...