Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No3

Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No3 – Welcome to the world’s biggest and most-read online bird magazine.

This month’s main article is about the Moluccan King Parrot by David Dennison. The Moluccan King Parrot also called the Amboina King Parrot, and its subspecies are amongst the most colorful parrots in the world. Unlike the Australian King parrot and the Green-wing King parrot, where the pairs are sexually dimorphic, the male and female Moluccan King Parrot are very alike, and surgical or DNA sexing is recommended.

If someone were to ask me to suggest a bird that is inexpensive, pretty, relatively easy to breed and look after as well as becoming a good pet, I would immediately recommend the Cockatiel. Being one of the best birds for beginners, you will also find them in the most experienced parrot breeder’s collections.

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Happy reading and I am already working on the April edition.

Petrus Albertus van Tonder and The World Wide Birds team (You the subscribers and the sponsors.)

Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No3

Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No3

At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

Expertises: Aviculture, Twitcher and birder, Wildlife photographer, Bird writer

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  • Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

    At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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