Bird magazine March 2022

Our March 2022 Standard bird magazine:

Bird magazine March 2022

Very welcome and thank you for taking the time to read another edition.

Louis Bothma gave me permission to use his very informative articles, thank you very much, Louis. In this edition, you can read about The Emma Conure and its Mutations.

You will also find an article about the importance of foraging. Foraging is the act of animals searching widely for food. In the wild, animals, particularly birds, can spend up to 16 hours per day foraging for food dependent on the species. Kimberly Perry gives us seven easy ways to create foraging.

Screaming behaviour is always inbred and what you have once trained, you can also replace with different behaviour. This requires ambition, courage, and a lot of stamina. Hildegard Niemann from Parrot Behavior Consulting (PBC) explains how we can manage parrot screaming.

Dot Schwarz provided an article about everything you wanted to know about free flight but was afraid to ask. Then we also included an article about the Torres Strait Pigeon and aviaries for canaries.

One Earth Conservation always inspires me with the amazing work they do to protect our precious parrots. And it’s a highlight each month to share their work.

Many thanks to all our Premier subscribers and sponsors. Without your support, this magazine would not be possible. Happy reading, your birds are going to love you.

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At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

Expertises: Aviculture, Twitcher and birder, Wildlife photographer, Bird writer

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  • Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

    At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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