Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No1

Welcome to Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No1

I wish you a wonderful new year and hope it brings you many blessings. Get rid of the old to make place for the new, and I wish you happiness throughout the year! Best wishes for the New Year! I am counting my blessings and sending more of them your way.

Our main article this month is about the Stanley Rosella by David Dennison. The Stan-ley Rosella is the smallest of the Rosella family, and unlike the other larger Rosellas which show little sexual dimorphism, the male and female Stanleys are sexually di-morphic. This will be an extremely rewarding species to breed in the future. Now is the time to buy a few young pairs and get them breeding to have your own home-bred birds to breed with the new mutations.

I started a brand-new blog about a keto-friendly lifestyle. Although this is mainly for our humans, we can also get some helpful tips for birds. Our birds need us to be healthy to look after them well.

You can subscribe to the Premier edition to read some great articles. Remember that you can subscribe monthly, six-monthly and yearly. There are very easy subscription links for all countries on our website.
Happy reading and I am already looking forward to working on the February edition.

Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No1

Pdf bird magazine Vol7 No1

At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

Expertises: Aviculture, Twitcher and birder, Wildlife photographer, Bird writer

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  • Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

    At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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Petrus Albertus Van Tonder

At World Wide Birds, I am passionate about the vibrant and diverse world of birds. My mission is to provide the highest level of care, knowledge, and support to bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners. With years of hands-on experience in aviculture, I strive to be a trusted resource for those who share our love for these remarkable creatures.

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